Development , Adviser on Business and Political Risk, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations’ units. CPI indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 (highly
challenging in 1Q19. In strategic areas, aggressive price plans and handset campaigns were launched, especially in prepaid, in which AIS was competitive to preserve scale. As a result, mobile revenue grew 1.1
was driven by added subscribers of 209,300 or around (estimated) 20% share of industry which totaled year- end subscribers at 730,500. On other digital services, AIS continued to scale up several
allow the Company to benefit from economies of scale in some costs, such as shipping costs • Selling Expenses in 9M/2022 was THB 207 million, increased by THB 51 million or 33% from 9M/2021, corresponding
incurred from our overseas operations and investment. KBank has chosen not to retain foreign currency position stemming from such activities, except where there is market limitation of risk hedging, or for
ที1เสนอขายต่างประเทศ ซึ1 งกาํหนดให้ตอ้งใช ้ international scale rating นัน ควรผอ่นผนัใหส้ามารถใช ้national scale ได ้ การแก้ไข/เพิมเติม สาํนกังานจะพิจารณาแกไ้ขร่างหลกัเกณฑ ์โดยใหต้ราสารดงักล่าวที1ใช
the limitation of dividend payment. 10. Opinion of the Company’s Board of Directors Concerning the Transaction The Board of Directors unanimously approved the transaction due to its consideration and
from (1) and (2), it has been found that the Company still has high limitation. Hence, the Company has studied the possibility to move the location of the project to reduce the distance for raw material
from (1) and (2), it has been found that the Company still has high limitation. Hence, the Company has studied the possibility to move the location of the project to reduce the distance for raw material
shall be made with right of recourse and without any waiver or limitation of liability of the endorser, or the guarantee shall be given unconditionally for the whole amount of principal and interest, as