notify that the resolution of Board of Director’s meeting No.3/2019, consider and approve the company entering into the connected transactions relating asset or service. The detail as following
hereby notify that the resolution of Board of Director’s meeting No.3/2019, consider and approve the company entering into the connected transactions relating asset or service. The detail as following
to present work which fit with COVID-19 situation for the clients to consider and decide to spend more advertising budget. Kindly be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Malee Leelasiriwong (Mrs
the subsidiary of YCI Syndicate Co., Ltd., the Company continues to consider capital increase, providing joint ventures as an extension of new business in the future, which will encourage the Company to
future 4. Income from dividend Other Conditions for the Transaction None Opinion of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors consider the investment in MDP to be beneficial to the Company. Therefore
to consider the necessity for activities involving large gathering of people, which may cause risks of person-to-person transmission. The Company has been closely monitoring the situation and is
which previously circulated to SET. And has authorized by the Board of Directors for Chief Executive Officer to consider and amend the meeting details as appropriate, if there are important situations
shareholders’ meeting to consider the appointment of this auditor at the 26th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2020 when the situation becomes better and is appropriate to inform further. Very truly
Public. In this regard, the SEC Office shall consider the application for approval within thirty days from the date on which the SEC Office receives the application together with the complete and accurate
consider the SEC public hearing on proposed rules for submission of digital asset transaction data and related information Bangkok, 1 March 2019