, DW price may change if further issue of DW on the same underlying securities is launched and its value is subject to time decay. Many countries have launched measures to protect investors by requiring
underlying securities, DW price may change if further issue of DW on the same underlying securities is launched and its value is subject to time decay. Many countries have launched measures to protect
conduct of derivatives brokers as follows:1. Underwriting rules will be relaxed to permit brokerage firms that issue instruments linked to other underlying securities, e.g., derivatives warrant, trading
The new regulations allow insurance companies to issue and offer for sale of insurance capital bonds. Initially, such offering must be in private placement scheme to no more than 10 investors (PP
, which also shows the outstanding balance of each bond issue, SEC Bond Check Version 2 features an advanced search function by interest rate range, time to maturity, credit rating and risk level
clarify the factors that may cause material risks on the business, operation, financial condition and the operating results or going concern of the Company or the group of companies, including risk issues
condition and the operating results or going concern of the Company or the group of companies, including risk issues in the environmental and social areas, which include respect for human rights and good
stakeholder can (without fear of retribution) raise issues of particular concern with regard to potential or suspected breaches of a company’s code of ethics or local law. 4.4 Political lobbying The board
ทีบ่รษัิทมเีงนิลงทนุกระจกุตวัในกรณีดงันี้ 1. เงนิลงทนุกระจกุตวัเมือ่เทยีบกบั issue size • เมือ่ลงทนุกระจกุตวัในราย issue หรอื mkt. cap จะท าใหเ้งนิลงทนุมสีภาพคลอ่งต า่ • Liquidate ไดย้าก / อาจไดใ้นราคา
สังคมของประเทศ คุณสมบัติในเรื่องความสามารถในการดำเนินงานได้อย่างต่อเนื่องในระยะยาว (going concern) และคุณสมบัติในเรื่องการประกอบธุรกิจที่ไม่มีผลกระทบต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมเกินกว่าขอบเขตที่กฎหมายกำหนดอย่างมีนัย