benefits and long-term returns. Gilt Edge also advertised that the company had a team of professional and experienced experts to render financial knowledge and advice as well as manage portfolios suitable
reporting lines are clearly defined in conformity with the good internal control principle. We also emphasize thorough, accurate and regular disclosures on risk management and capital to the public. 3 Details
20.72Mb. or 153.42% compared with the same period of last year, Y.2019. This mainly due to the acquisition of iCE completed in March Y.2019 resulted to the group ability to synergize and better manage
products such as welding wire for galvanized steel and galvanized paint. The aim is to build strong growth and sustainable returns by practicing good governance along with developing the society, community
considering the balance of three dimensions – economy, society and environment – under good corporate governance, appropriate risk management and effective cost management. Along with this, we have prioritized
manage REIT in accordance with the trust instrument. “REIT” means a real estate investment trust pursuant to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning the Issuance and Offer for
café which has a higher gross profit margin than sales from other distribution channels. The Company has also displayed the ability to manage cost efficiently. G R O S S P R O F I T a n d G R O S S P R O
received from the sale of units to the trustee in order to manage the property for the benefit of the unitholders with trustworthiness; (b) the REIT is not a juristic person, but is a pool of assets legally
/2020) In the Q3/ 2 0 2 0 , the company performed consistently good performance from the previous quarter. The transportation of electronic products has also increased significantly. In addition, products
will make transaction with director. (Mr. Thamarat Chokwatana) (4) General transaction description : Transaction to sell assets to connected party (5) Purpose of transaction : To manage the company’s