fundamental framework under which sufficient risk management plans can be outlined to alleviate damages and enable rapid recovery to normal operation. The draft rules consist of two essential parts: (1
third quarter of 2017, buoyed largely by tourism and exports. Nonetheless, the economic recovery was not broad-based, as evidenced by sluggish private consumption. While certain businesses were still
trend. Amid the trade rift which may make the global economic recovery vulnerable, however, many central banks are likely to adopt a cautious stance in their monetary policy while also placing their focus
, household purchasing power saw limited recovery. Under these circumstances, the Thai economy in this quarter may grow at a slower pace of 3.2 percent over-year, which is also less than the 3.7 percent growth
a more accommodative stance to shore up the economic recovery, in the wake of its policy rate reduction to 1.50 percent in the August 7, 2019 meeting. Thailand Economic Growth Sources: Office of the
according the asset acquisition from connected person which is the middle size of related transaction of listed company rule. Therefore, the company is obligated to get approval from the Board of Directors
. Other income increased 62.67 million baht from the same period last year to 45.47 Million Baht or 264.34% due to get payment from the auction of assets(ordinary share) of Banpan Engineering and Holding Co
transaction of listed company rule, which is a middle size of worth over 1 million baht but less than 20 million baht, which the company is obligated to get approval from the Board of Directors and disclose the
transaction value is equal to 0.09% of net tangible assets calculated from the Company’s financial statement as of 31 March 2018 reviewed by the auditor. The Company is required to get an approval from the
) fact sheet of the offering, business overview, financial condition and operating results, (2) risk factors to get an idea of what kind of potential risks that may affect the issuer, (3) related party