value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued ordinary shares to the existing shareholders pro rata to their shareholdings (Rights Offering), at the par value
. In addition, it is also due to the increase in new media which has resulted in the allocation of advertising spending to various media and economic slowdown which has affected the spending of
. In addition, it is also due to the increase in new media which has resulted in the allocation of advertising spending to various media and economic slowdown which has affected the spending of
small, for the company and the general public for development. Purchase, development, allocation and distribution of commercial land to the company and the general both inside and outside the industrial
internal organization. To support the continuous growth rate in the future by focusing on the allocation of capital to improve factories and machineries instead of revenue growth and the revenue from sales
THB 187,436,954,750 by issuing not more than 27,732,242,204 newly issued ordinary shares, at the par value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued ordinary
capital of THB 187,436,954,750 by issuing not more than 27,732,242,204 newly issued ordinary shares, at the par value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued
new products, our product strategies also include the shaping up additional revenue stream from distribution of diversified set of 3rd party products in both food and non-food categories. Following this
and 6-month periods ending 30 June 2017, respectively. Apart from launching new products, our product strategies also include the shaping up additional revenue stream from distribution of diversified
, respectively. Apart from launching new products, our product strategies also include the shaping up additional revenue stream from distribution of diversified set of 3rd party products in both food and non-food