Luangwaykin and Tanakorn Ritthibunlue in the amount of 500,000 Baht each for manipulating share price of Asia Metal PLC (AMC). With a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand on irregular trading of AMC
Quarter 2017 2 nd Quarter 2016 Group Revenues 5,445 5,212 Group Sales Volume (k tons) (27) 660 P er fo rm an ce Group EBITDA (735) (14) HRC Sales (k tons) 302 340 HRC Production Volume (k tons) 17,252
1,364.1 7.7 In the 3rd quarter of 2017, total cost of goods sold reported at the amount of Baht 333.1 million, decreased by 4.6% compared with QoQ, in line with decrement in sales volume. The Company’s
decrease in total revenue 3.4% and can be summarized as following table. Description Total Revenue (MB) Y-O-Y Change Increase/(Decrease) Note 2016 2017 Sales 919.8 882.2 -4.1% The sales volume decreases as
by BCPT Trading Pte. , Ltd. , it recorded increase in the amount of trade and transaction of crude oil and finished product from moving forward in increasing transactions with its trade partners and
market share in the economic slowdown. When comparing the sale volume to the same period in 2018, decreased 0.9%. The company is not able to increase the selling price in the current economic conditions
of THB 2,177 million, mainly attributed to Bangchak marketing business in the amount of THB 2,399 million. Marketing Business Sales Volume (Million Litre) Q4/2017 Q3/2018 Q4/2018 YoY QoQ 2017 2018 YoY
and Q2/2018 respectively, An increase in total revenue 20.4% and can be summarized as following. Q-O-Q Change Q2/2017 Q2/2018 Increase/(Decrease) Sales 196.4 240.8 22.6% The sales volume increases as
amount Baht 3.60 million, because the volume of dairy milk for sales decreased from the same quarter last year around 15%. (2) Cost of sales For the third quarter (July - September) The cost of sales
amount Baht 3.60 million, because the volume of dairy milk for sales decreased from the same quarter last year around 15%. (2) Cost of sales For the third quarter (July - September) The cost of sales