(Conventional Media) โดยกลุ่มโทรทัศน์ (โทรทศัน์ ดิจิทลัทีวี และเคเบิลทีวี) ซึง่มีสว่นแบง่กำรตลำดมำกที่สดุถึง 64.8% ปรับตวัลดลง 7.4% จำกปีก่อนหน้ำ อยูท่ี่ 65,786 ล้ำนบำท ตำมมำ ด้วย สือ่โฆษณำรูปแบบดัง้เดิม (หนงัสอื
been put in place, in order not to interfere with the retail market sales volume, the main sales channel. Constant growth can be observed in the retail sales volume from the customer base expansion
remained constant yoy even though Baht currency continued appreciation. • Hotel Management Revenue from hotel management business reported Baht 100 million in 3Q19, increased by 58.8% yoy and Baht 280
revenue remained constant yoy even though Baht currency continued appreciation. Hotel Management Revenue from hotel management business reported Baht 100 million in 3Q19, increased by 58.8% yoy and Baht
requirements of the CFO and chief accountant in working for the initial public offering (“IPOs”) companies and listed companies, which include qualifications, experiences and constant technical development. This
Sims et al (2014) ibid 10 ดูการอภิปรายใน IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2014 11 ด ู University of California (2014) “Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Advanced and Conventional Vehicle Drive
Microsoft Word - Project Amendment +ˇ1*7- 5I 'ˇ-8ˇ#'! (QA) AIA-GCA 14032022.docx หนังสือชี้ชวนสวนขอมูลกองทุนรวม (Q&A) กองทุนเปด เอไอเอ โกลบอล คอนเวนช่ันนอล อโลเคช่ัน ฟนด AIA Global Conventional
total revenue of 6,870.8 million baht, increased by 2.6 percent from the same period of the previous year. This was largely due to a constant growth in airport-related businesses by 14.0 percent from a
28,493.3 million baht, increased by 6.5 percent from the same period of the year 2016. This was largely due to a constant growth in airport-related businesses by 12.6 percent from a rising number of flights
of 1,990.8 million baht, together with dividend received from investment. Besides, the increasing of revenue was from a constant growth by 6.6 percent in airport-related businesses. Nevertheless, the