as local wisdom, art and culture or creativity based businesses, such as alternative energy, software, movies, contents and animation industries. Knowledge on fund raising and required preparation will
become more attractive to investing public as an alternative to traditional savings. For potential and new investors, mutual fund managed by professional managers would be a suitable investment choice. For
, especially SME and Startup entrepreneurs which are a crucial part of Thai economy, an alternative to raise funds through capital market.” Speakers in this event include Dr. Santitarn Sathirathai, Sea Limited
Alternative Investment (mai) that have been selected by the SET as outstanding in terms of environmental and ESG consideration, and/or: (2) Stocks listed on the SET or the mai that disclose
, with the key points as follows: (1) Revising the qualification requirements imposed on applicants for listing on SET and the mai (Market for Alternative Investment) whereby the criteria for considering
alternative fundraising for movie, digital content, and animation industry growth with creation of value added products ก.ล.ต. ร่วมบรรยายและเสวนาใน
size, structure, or their role in the investment chain) or otherwise, the Institutional Investor must disclose reasons and explain non-compliance or its alternative governance strategy on its website and
, 1985) Motivation Explaining Value Data Results Conclusions Important Contributions 1 Provide evidence on 9 alternative definitions of value premiums in Thailand • Fama-French six-factor model and the q
within low competition industries. Interpretation • Firms that face low competition are more willing to periodically publish negative news related to the company. • An alternative view is that if the firm
size, structure, or their role in the investment chain) or otherwise, the Institutional Investor must disclose reasons and explain non-compliance or its alternative governance strategy on its website and