May 3, 2020, the government relief measures for flexible living routine and curfew cancelation which led to the continued increase in traveling trips. In July 2020, the average traffic volume was at
online meetings; arranging and facilitating flexible working times and work from home where possible; social distancing practices; setting up alcohol-based hand sanitizing stations; installing thermal
wide-ranging impacts to all industries as well as our businesses. Fortunately, Central Retail has multi-category, multi-format, and multi-market businesses as well as is flexible and fast to execute
for service users as proposed by publicizing the date of service termination of SPRING 26 Channel, for the purpose of acknowledging service users, consumers, audiences, and the general public, via
policy or implementation not yet taken, it should be proposed that the board of directors pass a resolution acknowledging their duty to supervise the Company's compliance with the governing laws, including
บรรจุภณัฑ ์ ดว้ยเครื่องจกัรทีท่นัสมยั และทมีงาน ทีม่ปีระสบการณ์กว่า 20 ปี มโีรงงานผลติบรรจุภณัฑจ์ านวน 3 โรงงานไดแ้ก ่ โรงงานผลติ กระสอบ Big bag, โรงงานผลติ PE Blow film และโรงงานผลติ Flexible packaging
appropriate, beneficial to the Company, and in accordance with the strategy and policy of the Company to be flexible and conducts the businesses in the area of the Company’s experience and expertise, and true
’ environment. CPN successfully maintain an effective capital structure and flexible financing cost structure, as well as prepare adequate funding to support the investment plan and lower the financing cost at
of 18 In order for a convenient and flexible process in relation to the investment in the Target Group Hotels and Resorts through the purchase of equity in the Target Company by taking into account the
new services cover Flexible Stays, Safety and Well-Being, Local Experience, Technology, and Dusit Care Kits. In addition, hotels under Dusit International in Thailand has been awarded the Amazing