ธรรมเนียมการจดัการ (management fee) 185,882.10 1.606% ค่าธรรมเนียมนายทะเบียน (registrar fee) 12,392.14 0.107% ค่าธรรมเนียมผูดู้แลผลประโยชน์ (trustee fee) 2,478.43 0.021% ค่าท่ีปรึกษาการลงทุน (advisory fee
, respectively, pre transactions. 3. General Characteristics, Type and Size of the Transaction 3.1 General Characteristics and Type of the Transaction CVHLUX is a holding company, only having 100.00% of the
CHHK and ICSG, holding 51.0% and 49.0% of registered and paid-up capital as of 30 September 2017, respectively, pre transactions. 3. General Characteristics, Type and Size of the Transaction 3.1 General
shall not be applicable to the following assets or persons: (1) assets of a client which is a mutual fund, private fund or any other similar fund under management of a securities company in its position
shall not be applicable to the following assets or persons: (1) assets of a client which is a mutual fund, private fund or any other similar fund under management of a securities company in its position
shall not be applicable to the following assets or persons: (1) assets of a client which is a mutual fund, private fund or any other similar fund under management of a securities company in its position
marketing activities while increased 9%QoQ from seasonality and 5G launch campaign. Admin and other expenses saw –22%YoY decrease from improving bad debt provision and efficient cost management while declined
% and 13% YoY, respectively. • Fixed broadband revenue was Bt8,436mn, increasing 21%YoY due to strong subscriber growth from working and studying from home combined with effective churn management despite
างในการออกพันธบัตร หุนกู หรือตั๋วเงินครั้งกอน 1.3 ใหเปดเผยขอมูลคําอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (Management Discussion and Analysis: MD&A) สําหรับงบการเงินรายไตรมาสลาสุด และผลการดําเนินงาน
revenue for the same period of last year. The positive impact is a result of more projects awarded in 2017 leading to more negotiation power and efficient cost management. 1. Business Performance Analysis