structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2018, DI focusing on long-term
. Unearned revenue decreased by 986.9 baht from 31 December 2019 as a consequence of lower advanced bookings resulted from covid-19 pandemic. Other current financial liabilities amounting to 1,564.6 million
(EVN) under the long-term PPA. Quang Tri 1 is currently under Green-Field development phase and under advanced negotiation process with the expected commercial operating date in 2025. - On August 23
1 แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ (แบบ 69-ASEAN) แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ กรณีบรษัิทไทยเสนอขายหลักทรัพยใ์นไทยและประเทศกลุม่อาเซยีนพรอ้มกนัหรอืในเวลาใกลเ้คยีงกนั Registration Statement for Thai-incorporated Company to offer for sale of securities in Thailand and ASEAN member country simultaneously or in proximate period (ชือ่บรษัิททีเ่สนอขายหลักทรัพย)์ (Commercial Name of the Issuer) - ใหร้ะบลุกัษณะทีส่ าคญัของหลักทรัพยท์ีเ่สนอขาย เชน่ ประเภทหลกัทรัพย ์จ านวน ราคาเสนอขายต...
(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 10 As of 28 February 2020 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 3/2558 Re: Provisions relating to Offer for Sale of Shares Issued by Foreign Company Whose Shares Are Not Traded on Foreign Exchange _______________ By virtue of Sections 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) as...
date (COD) in 2022. The new advanced technology would be implemented to ensure the continuity in providing high- quality services to industrial clients. ABP1 (one of our qualified power plants), after
in film products for the specialty, industrial, packaging, automotive, advanced magnetic media, photo systems, electrical and electronics markets and many more products that are es- sential in modern
advanced statistical modeling. In 2017, DI focusing on long-term investment with value based investment philosophy recorded gain on investment including gain on re-measuring available-for-sale securities
structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2017, DI focusing on long-term
baht from 31 December 2017 as a consequence of lower advanced bookings compared with same period last year. Other current liabilities amounting to 2,152.1million baht, rose by 75.1 million baht. This