นบาท มีเงินรับล่วงหนา้จากลูกคา้เพิมขึน . ลา้นบาท และไดรั้บเงินค่าหุ้น ล่วงหนา้จากบริษทั Nippon Concrete Industries Co., Ltd จาํนวน . ลา้นบาท ส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้น ส่วนของผูถื้อหุ้นของบริษทัและบริษทัย่อย ณ
บริษทัย่อย ไดรั้บเงินค่าหุน้ล่วงหนา้จากบริษทั Nippon Concrete Industries Co., Ltd. จ านวน 34.12 ลา้นบาท ส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้น ส่วนของผูถื้อหุน้ของบริษทัและบริษทัยอ่ย ณ วนัท่ี 30 กนัยายน 2560 มีจ านวน 4,862.28 ลา้
aerated concrete blocks is gaining further ground. The nonferrous mining segment in our key export market Laos remains strong. Generally, export growth in Thailand has also translated into lime exports
increased use of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks as Thailand follows a global trend. The nonferrous mining segment in our key export market Laos remains strong however as a new competitor comes on stream
Resolution Database https://collaborate.unpri.org/shareholder-resolution Stewardship Resources 27 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ACTIVE OWNERSHIP IN LISTED EQUITY Outlines concrete steps to make active ownership an
investors on defining concrete climate strategies and actions • PCAF focuses on standardizing the measurement and reporting of emissions associated with investments • SBTi guides target setting through its
decreased from the same period of previous year by Baht 20.90 million or 2.02 percent, due to the decrease in sales revenue from roof tiles but sales revenues from board products, autoclaved aerated concrete
, cement pedestal, coin counter etc. 3) Profit before income tax expenses was Bt166mn, an increase of 38.9% YoY, mainly from revenues growth and effective operating cost management. 4) Net profit was Bt144mn
because of consecutive revenue growth. 2) Sales profit was Bt1mn, decreasing 17.9% YoY, which is sales of equipment related to Boonterm kiosk such as tripod, cement pedestal, coin counter etc. 3) Profit
kiosk such as tripod, cement pedestal, coin counter etc. 3) Profit before income tax expenses was Bt158mn, an increase of 25.8% YoY, mainly from revenues growth and effective operating cost management. 4