ที่สำนักงานกำหนดให้เป็นหน่วยงานโครงสร้างพื้นฐานสำคัญทางสารสนเทศของภาคตลาดทุน (Critical Information Infrastructure: CII) 2. ศูนย์ซื้อขายสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า, สำนักหักบัญชีสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า, สำนักหัก
(Critical Information Infrastructure: CII) ของภาคตลาดทุน 2. ศูนย์ซื ้อขายสัญญาซื ้อขายล่วงหน้า, สำนักหักบัญชีสัญญาซื ้อขายล่วงหน้า , สำนักหักบัญชี หลักทรัพย์ และศูนย์รับฝากหลักทรัพย์ 2 ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจดังต่อไป
standards. (2) An information security system to safeguard against unauthorised access to information, measures to maintain the integrity of relevant data and ensure availability of critical data. (3
around the world. UNDP thanks these sustainability leaders for their critical role in authenticating SDG-enabling investment, signaling markets and driving adoption of these Standards: John Denton
stakeholders. This type of information, when combined with financial information, can provide valuable insights to the overall quality of management which is a critical factor in the appraisal of a firm’s
management and portfolio quality improvement, our RM teams are always on hand to offer our customers advice on sophisticated investment products and hold financial activities that provide increased
Activity Report 2016_En INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2016 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2016 Executive Summary...................02 Quality Assurance Review Panel................04 Activities for Enhancing Audit Quality...................05 Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm Level...................08 B. Engagement Level...........................28 Root Cause Analysis...................42 Framework and Focuses in 2017...................44 Essential St...
ซบัซ้อน (Advanced Threat Prevention) การตรวจจบัภยัคกุคามเชิงรุก (Proactive Threat Detection) และ การตอบสนองต่อเหตุการณ์ภัยคุกคามอย่างทนัท่วงทีและมีประสิทธิภาพ (Timely & Effective Threat Response) เพื่อเพิ่ม
20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Annual Report 2012 SEC ANNUAL REPORT 20122 THE YEAR OF CHANGE The year 2012 was the time for change to become the visionary partner whose balance between proactive and preventive approaches has led to stakeholders’ confidence in the Thai capital market. THE YEAR OF CHANGE 20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 02 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAiRMAN 04 MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAl 06 SEC BOARd 09 CApiTAl MARkET SupERviSORY BOARd 12 ExECuTivE OFFiCERS 13 O...
practitioners in their efforts to take corporate governance to a higher level. Indeed, the 2008 worldwide financial crisis reminded Asia and the world of the critical importance of strong corporate governance to