3,218.5 million, if included the private fund and the provident fund, the company had the net assets value totaled Baht 76,081.1 million. Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited Land and Houses
Value Added Tax, Specific Business Tax and Relevant Tax (if any)) ** คาธรรมเนียมผูดูแลผลประโยชน (Trustee Fee) เปนจํานวนเงิน 8.03 บาท (หนวย : พันบาท) หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 0.008 ของมูลคาทรัพยสินสุทธิ ค
beginning, promising further growth to come, aided by government stimulus spending. US it seems is firing on all cylinders and China is the first to emerge with strong demand. If Europe unites in stimulating
) .......................................... Surname .......................................... (ช่ือ-สกุลเดิม) (ถา้มี) ............................................................................................................... Former name (if any
may generally be exposed which, if not well- managed, can inhibit sustainability performance. These risks include overall human rights risks, risks pertaining to labour rights specifically within its
) .......................................... Surname .......................................... (ช่ือ-สกุลเดิม) (ถา้มี) ............................................................................................................... Former name (if any
) .......................................... Surname .......................................... (ช่ือ-สกุลเดิม) (ถา้มี) ............................................................................................................... Former name (if any
Remuneration Committee is in the process of nomination of a qualified and appropriate person to be a director for a vacant position. If there is any progress, the Company shall further inform the shareholders. 2
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to remain at the same rate if there is no significant change in natural gas price and the appreciation in Thai Baht. However, during September and December of 2018, Ft rate is expected to be adjusted