พื้นฐำนได้ ทั้งนี ้ส ำหรับผู้แนะน ำ กำรลงทุน/ผู้วำงแผนกำรลงทุน สำมำรถแนะน ำได้ตำมบทวิเครำะห์ หรือ house view ที่ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจจัดท ำขึ้น 4.2 ประเด็นท่ีส านักงานไม่เห็นด้วยกับผู้แสดงความคิดเห็น จึงไม่ได้
) as well as the SEC Office’s methods for collecting, using and disclosing personal data. (To view the Personal Data Protection Policy, please scan the QR Code below).
the Product Restrictions of Qualifying CIS. To view: Part I : Qualifications of the CIS Operator, Trustee/Fund Supervisor, and requirements relating to Approval, Valuation, and Operational Matters
expectations in terms of social responsibility and environment.In view of this, the board of directors, as the governance body, should ensure that the company has in place a mechanism to govern decision-making
amended). In this connection, the Board of Directors has verify the investor’s profile and view that such investor has sufficient fund for subscribe the newly issued shares which offering to the specific
or Preference Shares as Registered Securities B.E.2558, dated May 11, 2015 (as amended). In this connection, the Board of Directors has verify the investor’s profile and view that such investor has
cases: (1) the licensee shall commence operation of securities business in the category specified in the license only after the SEC Office, having completed its inspection, is of the view that the
placed for recovery. Dusit Thani PLC Management Discussion and Analysis For 2Q20 and 6M20 P a g e | 10 Our view on the post COVID-19 hospitality landscape are as follows: • More consolidation of hotels • A
its subsidiaries (the “Company”) has recently submitted the reviewed interim financial statements for the period ended 30 September 2017 to the Stock Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the
Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the information with general investors. The key indicators and changes regarding to the operating performance and financial status are as follows: 1. Operating