. Because of the Company and subsidies have transferred the ownership the following rights to the projects as follows; J Biz-J town- J City -J villa preaksa , J Biz- J Town J City - J Villa Rangsit, J Biz- J
transferred the ownership ,which was in line with the increase in Revenue. Financing Cost In 2018, the Company's financial cost was 13.40 million Baht, a decrease of 25.69 million Baht or a decrease of 65.72
comprised brokerage and registration fees for the transferred of assets right which responsible to pay by the Company, as the Seller. 4. Administrative expenses for the year 2019 was Baht 78.4 million
generally paid for the inventory rooms resulted from lower of units transferred within the year. Other than that, administration expenses in general has decreased because of the inauguration of the cost and
2019, The Company transferred the rights of membership in the Stock Exchange of Thailand to another securities company, and recognized the gain on sale in other income this year. 2. Total expenses was
barring any cancellations. Other income decreased by Baht 22 million mainly due to a decrease in dividend income from investment in Thai Wah Public Company Limited which was transferred from other
/2016, the Company set up another subsidiary namely Halcyon Tools and Engineering Co., Ltd. (HENG) as a distributor in the Eastern region. The new subsidiary has part of its customers transferred from
essentially due to the one-off gain and dividend income of Thai Wah Public Company Limited totaling Baht 373 million when it was transferred from other investment to investment in associate in 2016 which was
companies decreased by Baht 51.11 million, due to the recognized share of loss in the associate companies. - Land, buildings, and equipment were decreased by Baht 68.27 million because some were transferred
were decreased by Baht 101.30 million because some were transferred to right-of-use assets by Baht 116.15 million in 2020. The Company also invested Baht 41.14 million on equipment in Q1’20 and there