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transactions. As the above information is just basic information, the SEC urges shareholders to prudently study the entire information from the enclosures for shareholders? meeting in order to make careful
934.4 (5.1) 890.2 (0.4) 3,721.7 3,155.6 17.9 Net profits 751.6 779.1 (3.5) 729.6 3.0 3,108.2 2,603.4 19.4 Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.036 0.037 (2.7) 0.034 5.9 0.147 0.154 (4.5) The company and its
3,805.8 3,721.7 2.3 Net profits 879.9 766.9 14.7 751.6 17.1 3,214.6 3,108.2 3.4 Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.042 0.036 16.7 0.036 16.7 0.152 0.147 3.4 The company and its subsidiaries’ operating
934.4 (5.1) 890.2 (0.4) 3,721.7 3,155.6 17.9 Net profits 751.6 779.1 (3.5) 729.6 3.0 3,108.2 2,603.4 19.4 Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.036 0.037 (2.7) 0.034 5.9 0.147 0.154 (4.5) The company and its
3,805.8 3,721.7 2.3 Net profits 879.9 766.9 14.7 751.6 17.1 3,214.6 3,108.2 3.4 Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.042 0.036 16.7 0.036 16.7 0.152 0.147 3.4 The company and its subsidiaries’ operating
(2,741.1) (262.2) Profits (loss) from operations before income tax expenses (987.6) 945.3 (1,932.9) (204.5) Net profits (loss) (708.5) 806.7 (1,515.2) (187.8) Basic earnings per share (Baht) (0.034) 0.038
-22.05 -10.80 -11.25 -104.17 Basic Loss Per Share (Baht) -0.04 -0.03 Gross Margin 11.72% 6.85% Net Profit Margin -59.59% -14.81% Total Expenses Financial Performance of 2nd quarter for 6 months ended June
subsidiaries -10.47 0.05 -10.52 -21040.00 Profit(Loss) attributable to equity holders of the company -71.46 -15.53 -55.93 -360.14 Basic Loss Per Share (Baht) -0.10 -0.04 Gross Margin -45.07% -2.21% Net Profit