whether organize seminar, event and more. The company will continue to develop in order to sustain its future growth as well as adhering the security, job expanding and consideration of all stakeholders
Seminar on Capital Market for SMEs) และได้ร่วมประชุมหารือกับผู้แทนจากตลาดหลักทรัพย์เซินเจิ้น (Shenzhen Stock Exchange) ซึ่งนำโดย Mr. Li Hui Executive Vice President โดยได้มีการหารือถึงความร่วมมือระหว่างตลาด
The seminar series will showcase a pool of knowledge and advice from certified financial planners (CFP) and experts on financial, investment and debt management. Investors and the interested public
through such mechanism in the EU member countries. SEC will organize a seminar and invite CSSF representatives to share knowledge with fund management companies and the Association of Investment
during the OECD-Thailand Seminar on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy in Asia, the event co-hosted by the SEC and the Bank of Thailand at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Bangkok from December 16-17
Implication for Digital Asset Regulation: A Peek at Global Movements https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/MarketData/seminar-documents.aspx
Asset Regulation: A Peek at Global Movements https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/MarketData/seminar-documents.aspx