registration statement. If the registration statement contains any false statement or omits to state any material information which should have been disclosed, the unit holders shall be entitled to claim damages
reimbursement of investigative expenses Cases Persons Fail to exercise duty of care - - - - - - - Presenting a false statement or concealing material facts that should have been stated - - - - - - - Disclosure of
of five years prior to the date of submitting the application for offer for sale of REIT units: (a) having a record of contravening rules or conditions related to securities offering in a material
vested in the securities offeror. If the registration statement contains any false statements or omits to state any material information which should have been disclosed, the securities holders shall be
the factsheet template provided on the SEC website. The factsheet shall also be updated semi-annually or in case of any material changes. In particular, the following statement is expected to be
Checklist for Registration Statement for an offer for sale of units of foreign collective investment scheme Form 69 – CIS material update [ ] 1. The Update Statements [ ] Any documents relevant to
consideration that the true intention or the substance of the offer for sale of the structure notes constitutes an avoidance of the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act or this Notification; (2) the
set out above, if a Thai Covered Fund complies with the relevant Thai laws and regulations and the conditions as set out in this circular, it is generally deemed to have complied in substance with the
demands, opportunities and obstacles of sectors in the Thai capital market. Accordingly, Thai listed companies should focus on three areas, namely: CG in substance: Focusing on substance of corporate
demands, opportunities and obstacles of sectors in the Thai capital market. Accordingly, Thai listed companies should focus on three areas, namely: CG in substance: Focusing on substance of corporate