170.45 142.90 27.54 Gross profit margin 15.33% 13.51% 1.82% Other income 4.77 3.67 1.09 Selling expenses 2.66 4.73 (2.07) Administrative expenses 80.76 84.95 (4.19) Earnings before interest and tax 91.79
follows: THB’000 Consolidated F/S ∆% Separate F/S ∆% 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues from Sales and Services 2,060,114 2,473,795 -17% 1,640,996 1,631,566 1% Interest income 2,302 1,045 120% 679 36,148 -98
% 0.77 1.25 62.34% Earnings before Interest and taxes 34.47 16.90 19.09 -44.62% 12.96% 69.40 35.99 -48.14% Financial expense (0.15) (0.26) (0.73) 386.67% 180.77% (0.30) (0.99) 230.00% Profit before income
% Operating profit 10,731 10,063 10,103 -5.9% 0.4% 21,610 20,165 -6.7% Net foreign exchange gain (loss) 106 84 252 137% 200% (23) 336 -1569% Other income (expense) 76 221 107 41% -51% 324 328 1.2% Finance cost
tax (13.42) (17.15) (3.73) (21.7) Net profit 34.37 65.76 (31.39) (47.7) Gross Profit Margin 47.8% 49.7% Earnings before interest and taxes 18.1% 20.2% Earnings before taxes 10.4% 16.1% Net Profit Margin
Tax Expense (11.0) (19.8) -44.5% (17.3) (26.6) -34.9% Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent 857.5 295.9 189.8% 1,281.8 1,012.0 26.6% Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) 162.3 (315.3) -151.5% 256.9 (64.7
profit 463.1 465.6 496.5 6.6% 7.2% 1,337.0 1,401.5 4.8% Net gain on exchange rate 37.6 30.9 83.6 170.6% 122.3% 91.2 169.6 86.0% Gain on forward contracts 8.4 4.5 6.0 33.3% (28.6%) 7.1 21.7 205.6% Gain from
year which posted total net profit Baht 495 million. Total revenue from sales and services amounted to Baht 3,398 million, decreased by Baht 4,750 million or 58% YoY. Separate financial statement, the
operating lease be recorded and the interest expenses as well as the depreciation of each period be recognized in the statement of profit and loss (Previously, the lease payment under the operating lease
gain/(loss) 0.34 (0.31) (0.30) -188.24% -3.23% 1.57 (0.16) -110.19% Other income 2.45 0.57 0.49 -80.00% -14.04% 3.22 1.74 -45.96% Earnings before Interest and taxes 12.96 19.09 16.94 30.71% -11.26% 82.36