profit of 3,609.03 million baht while the same period last year the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 2,630.93 million baht, increase of 978.10 million baht or increase by 37.18% because
Percentage Total Revenues 501.45 1,148.64 (647.19) (56.34) Cost of Goods Sold and Service (577.57) (1,085.84) (508.27) (46.81) Sell and Administration Expenses (22.54) (39.38) (16.85) (42.77) Net Profit (Loss
Revenues 643.92 1,150.40 (506.48) (44.03) Cost of Goods Sold and Service (671.54) (1,073.38) (401.83) (37.44) Sell and Administration Expenses (23.20) (28.87) (5.67) (19.63) Net Profit (Loss) (50.71) 47.00
services 59.31 64.61 (5.30) (8.20) Total Costs of Sales and Services 167.80 182.83 (15.03) (8.22) Gross Profit 57.22 65.77 (8.55) (13.00) Other incomes 1.16 5.31 (4.15) (78.15) Distribution costs 18.00 17.80
คล่องบริษัท) บัญชี error port 51560 50960 รายชื่อผู้ทำหน้าที่ฝ่ายงานบริหารความเสี่ยง รายชื่อ ตำแหน่ง หน้าที่รับผิดชอบ คุณวุฒิ/license 1.2 โปรดแสดงแผนผังองค์กรอย่างย่อ ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหน่วยงานและคณะกรรมการ
)% Fibers 51 59 52 (3)% 200 212 (6)% Feedstock 154 114 87 76% 476 217 120% Core EBIT 198 155 135 46% 613 410 49% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI (US$ M) 137 110 82 68% 416 242 72% Core Net Profit after Tax
quarter of 2019 per following table: (THB) Million 2Q19 2Q18 6M19 6M18 Total Revenues 128.99 126.04 261.75 268.92 Total Expenses (129.26) (112.28) (251.78) (244.51) Share of profit (loss) (13.32) 4.59 (6.37
incomes 0.71 0.71% 2.94 2.49% 2.23 314.08% Total revenues 101.28 100.00% 118.12 100.00% 16.84 16.63% Gross Profit / Margin 25.54 25.21% 26.42 22.37% Net Profit / Margin 4.18 4.13% 12.85 10.88% Revenue from
and services 263.70 277.74 (14.04) (5.06) Total Costs of Sales and Services 753.19 734.65 18.54 2.52 Gross Profit 272.67 283.71 (11.04) (3.89) Other incomes 12.44 10.60 1.84 17.36 Distribution costs
(6)% Fibers 59 46 55 8% 201 208 (3)% Feedstock 114 117 78 47% 410 177 132% Core EBIT 155 139 136 14% 551 374 47% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI (US$ M) 110 95 84 31% 360 206 75% Core Net Profit