144.2 Mn in 2017. Liquidity and Capital Structure As of 31 December 2018, the Group had current ratio of 0.32, increase from 0.27 in 2017. This improvement was mainly due to reduction in short-term
1.43, increase from 0.32 at end of 2018. This improvement was mainly due to a repayment of all short-term borrowing from financial institutions. The debt-to-equity ratio improved to 0.35 at 31 March 2019
% when comparing to the same period of last year. The increase was mainly come from the improvement of housing projects and infrastructure before transferring to the juristic person. MK also emphasized on
services on radio and communication system amounting to Baht 9.00 million, and services income from water quality improvement amounting to Baht 11.00 million. Other income for quarter 1/2020 of Baht 93.15
radio and communications system estimated at Baht 35.04 million, revenue from the sale of electricity to about Baht 23.30 million, services income from water quality improvement of Baht 28.38 million
. 1 million were the investment in the acquisition of property, leasehold improvement, and equipment. Most of the investments are related to the NFPT project. - Net cash from financing activities was of
equity, so the marketing activities has been arranged with sales plan improvement and promotion efficiency spending. 95.07% 95.71% 95.53% 4.93% 4.29% 4.47% 3Q18 2Q19 3Q19 Sales Other Income 63.04% 64.71
sales has marginally improved, resulting to the decrease from 23.18% in previous year to 22.75%. This decrease was due to the improvement in cost efficiency. 4. Finance cost was Baht 98.07 million, a
million or increase 396.0%, due to production efficiency improvement and gain from sale on flexible packaging 3. Selling expenses In Q1/2018, the selling expenses was Baht 2.63 million compare with the same
were the investment for machine and equipment improvement as well as an addition investment of machine and equipment in Jiangsu Plant. Inventories increased Baht 39.38 million in order to support order