and profits through consolidation of financial statements of the Subsidiary that will invest in this project. Therefore, the transaction is deemed reasonable and beneficial and will help enhance the
% TBSP 6(0.5%) 3(0.3%) 116.3% For 6M19, Company consolidated finance cost of THB 15 mil., +45.8% when compared same period of last year regarding to TBSP consolidation and extra finance cost from
the Malaysia dealership sales figures has increased, due to THB strengthening, the total revenue decrease after conversion to THB during consolidation. Cost of sales and services increased in accordance
22.15%.This is mainly due to the consolidation of Kuron’s administrative expenses and from professional fees related to the acquisition totaling THB 9.7 mm. Net Profit(Loss) The Company posted net profit
period of last year regarding to TBSP consolidation since April 2018 which impacted to higher extra finance cost from additional long-term loan for Tender Offer in TBSP. Excluding finance cost of TBSP of 8
change, such as, acquirement of additional business license, merger and acquisition or change of used technology. 8.5 Companies shall keep documents in relation to the test to be complete and up-to-date
change, such as, acquirement of additional business license, merger and acquisition or change of used technology. 5 To focus on protecting information and privacy of customers1 in angle of the BCP on cyber
) Securities Financing (section 4) Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section 90) Representatives Office of foreign securities companies (section 93) Holidays (section 110) Securities
) Securities Financing (section 4) Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section 90) Representatives Office of foreign securities companies (section 93) Holidays (section 110) Securities
) Securities Financing (section 4) Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section 90) Representatives Office of foreign securities companies (section 93) Holidays (section 110) Securities