Exchange of Thailand (SET) Board, represented by Prof. Kitipong Urapeepatanapong, SET Board Chairperson, together with Mr. Asadej Kongsiri, SET President, held a meeting to discuss the strategic plans of
Bangkok, February 10, 2009 ? The SEC is holding a public hearing on the draft amendment to the Securities and Exchange Act for demutualization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) until February
visiting SEC booth at SET in the City 2013. Presented under the theme ?SEC Investment Academy?, the SEC booth this year will be a source of knowledge for new investors. The visitors can start learning their
visiting SEC booth at SET in the City 2013. Presented under the theme ?SEC Investment Academy?, the SEC booth this year will be a source of knowledge for new investors. The visitors can start learning their
Bangkok, 25 October 2017 ? The SEC in cooperation with securities companies, asset management companies and the Stock Exchange of Thailand Group exercised a joint cyber drill to raise the industry's awareness of the importance of cybersecurity plan, work system stability and data protection. Co-organized by the SEC and the regulated entities, the cyber drill activities were conducted by experts from the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA). More than 160 delegates from 53 organizati...
Exchange of Thailand (SET) Building.To enhance efficiency and competitiveness of the Thai capital market in the long run, demutualization of the SET is necessary. Since demutualization process will
The SEC approved 3 draft rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) concerning (1) listing of ordinary shares or preferred shares as listed securities, (2) listing of securities in
of Thailand (SET), and Mr. Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, Chairman of the Securities Analysts Association (SAA), co-announced at their joint press conference that ?The recent problem concerning rumors in
The SEC appointed the following qualified experts as directors of the board of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), effective August 11, 2004 onwards, namely: 1. Mr. Olarn Chaipravat (expert from
กล่าวสามารถจ่ายไปยังสมาชิกของกองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพในอดีต (ปี 2548)ได้หรือไม่ คำตอบ: เนื่องจากไม่ได้มีการกำหนดเกณฑ์เกี่ยวกับการ set aside ของกองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพ