113,500 and a further fine of Baht 500 each day starting from the next day of the judgment date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.56 and 199 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated
, resulting in a fine of Baht 60,750 and a further fine of Baht 500 each day starting from the next day of prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.56 and 199 Criminal Complaint Filed with
fine of Baht 267,000 and a further fine of Baht 1,000 each day starting from the next day of prosecution date until the company so complies SEC Act S.56 and 199 Criminal Complaint Filed with an
ของบริษัทที่ได้รับความเห็นชอบจากสำนักงานเข้ามามีอำนาจในการบริหารงาน กำหนด ควบคุม และกำกับดูแลนโยบายแบบ day to day operation อันเป็นการปฏิบัติฝ่าฝืนมาตรา 104 แห่งพระราชบัญญัติหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์
day starting from the next day of the prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.56 and 199 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 15/09/2014
half, resulting in a fine of Baht 117,250 and a further fine of Baht 250 each day starting from the next day of the prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.300 Criminal Complaint
submit the financial statements for Q3/2017 within the specified period. The amount of fines does not include daily fines starting from the day following the settlement date to the day the company properly
the fines by half, resulting in a fine of Baht 194,500 and a further fine of Baht 500 each day starting from the next day of prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.56(4
250 each day starting from the next day of the prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.56 and 199 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 08/08/2014
the fines by half, resulting in fines of Baht 121,000 and a further fine of Baht 250 each day starting from the next day of the prosecution date until the company so complies. SEC Act S.300 Criminal