which increased from 158,085 to 170,191 persons yoy but also due to the increase of social security payment rate which has been effective since July 1, 2017. As such, social security revenue in 1Q’18
reasons for the decline of cost ratio not only stemmed from the increase of SW income and non-sw income per head but also from the efficient cost management particularly staff cost. Administrative Expenses
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
year of 2019 and more efficient cost management that caused selling and administrative expense to decrease by 1.5% from the year of 2018. For the branches expansion in the year of 2019, the company
competition and a decrease in crude palm oil price regarding to supply glut. However, the company has been improving the inventory management to be more efficient since the second half of 2018, resulted to the
Operational Control _____________ Clause 4 A securities company shall establish efficient systems for internal control, risk management and prevention of conflicts of interest, and shall have a written code of
Clause 4 A securities company shall establish efficient systems for internal control, risk management and prevention of conflicts of interest, and shall have a written code of conduct approved by the board
bandwidth from the auction. This has resulted in AIS being the operator having the largest bandwidth in the industry, 2x60MHz in total, and has enhanced AIS’ s capability to provide the most efficient 4G