Land of Takuni Land at book value per the financial statement as at 31 December 2017 93.45 Land that bought from connected persons 41.55 Development cost 254.51 Total cost 389.51 % of investment in
shelters on the land, bought by the Company in 2016 with the purpose to raise and breed the Company’s excess animals, were not able to proceed as planned. The development was prolonged until the additional
1.2% QoQ to stay at Bt610 despite elevated pricing competition. CSL was delisted and will help capture growth in enterprise. The acquisition of CSL has completed with AWN successfully bought 98.96% of
lower GPM of these 2 projects was due to their readiness to transfer and recognize revenue when the Company bought them in for sell, which eliminate construction risk for the Company. For F&B business
group bought more distressed debt of JMT's investment and an increase in investment properties in its subsidiary JAS Asset. Liabilities and shareholders' equity As of 30 June 2020, The Company has total
apply for a new power plant license. As a result, the value of the project greatly reduced from the date the company bought the project, the company is of the opinion that if the project has not been sold
เวียนเจ้าหนีก้ารค้า 8 (เทา่) 23.35 22.54 20.43 ระยะเวลาช าระหนีเ้ฉล่ีย 9 (วนั) 15 16 18 Cash Cycle 10 (วนั) 10 10 8 อัตรำส่วนแสดงควำมสำมำรถในกำรท ำก ำไร อตัราก าไรขัน้ต้น 11 (%) 12.17 14.99 16.41 อตัราก า
), which owns and operates the Paju combined cycle power plant with an installed capacity of 1,823 megawatts (consists of 2 units of 911.50 megawatts each), which is located in Paju city, Gyeonggi Province
ล่ีย (วัน) 45 48 ระยะเวลาหมุนเวียนสินคาสําเร็จรูปคงเหลือ (วัน) 16 18 ระยะเวลาชําระหนี้ถัวเฉล่ีย (วัน) 15 16 Cash Cycle (วัน) 46 50 อัตราสวนหนี้สินรวมตอสวนของผูถือหุน (เทา) 0.55 0.71 อัตราสวนความ
Times 6.10 Times 5.03 Times Payable Period 65 Days 58 Days 59 Days 72 Days Cash Cycle 123 Days 128 Days 113 Days 112 Days PROFITABILITY RATIO Gross Profit 49.16 % 49.20 % 48.67 % 48.92 % Operating Profit