that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English trans ” means any mutual fund which has specified in its scheme the actual real estate to be acquired pursuant to the Notification
-2741-5700-5 / Fax 0-2741-6878 / Company Tax ID : 0107545000021 4. Details of the Acquired Assets The Company intends to have FEREN invest in the ordinary shares of UWM purchased from Miss Malinee Boonrak
be informed that Land and Houses U.S.A., the company’s 100% owned subsidiary, has acquired the Revere, an apartment building in Campbell, California, USA with following details: 1. Contract parties
Acquisition Transaction has been closed on December 26, 2017 under which the Company has subscribed 939,474 newly issued shares and acquired 67,106 shares from the existing shareholders, which is equivalent to
the basis of Total value of consideration method, having considered the size of this transaction as well as no acquired transaction in the past 6 months, and it does not exceed 15 percent, the Company
“Acquired Joint Venture Company”) in proportion of 50 percent from Sansiri. By acquiring such ordinary shares, the Company will accept from Sansiri the transfers of claims on existing loan granted to the
Category A investor contacts (securities analyst). The term of the upgraded status will be equal to the remaining term of their Category B status; 2.An investor contact, who has acquired an approval from
Committee?s investigation to reinforce the investing public?s confidence in the Thai capital market. Earlier, the SEC sent a letter to the AEC requesting the newly acquired information on the case, but
of the Company. 6. Details of acquired assets Company name Registered capital : Shop Global (Thailand) Ltd. : THB 138,600,000 dividing by 6,300,00 shares with stock value THB 22.00 per share Type
. However, the company will report the transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Method Calculation Transaction Size (%) NTA of the invested fund x proportion of the assets acquired 1. Asset Value Method