elevate good corporate governance of private sector, Transform the role of the Stock Exchange of Thailand into a commercial oriented, Reconsider the scope of securities businesses conducted by
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committee The Board of Directors meeting No. 12/2017 of Nation Multimedia Group Public Company Limited held on December 28, 2017 resolved
Manager, including information on the names of directors and executives, educational qualifications, experiences related to investment or management of real estate, scope of power and duties of each board 9
purchasing, including installing and examining a thermal and/or chilled water power plant from renewable or alternative energy resources. 71. Conducting a business in providing a technical or academic service
บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั 71. Conducting a business in providing a technical or academic service; and to survey, study, research, analyze, and examine engineering materials and tools; and to design, evaluate
HYDROTEK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั 71. Conducting a business in providing a technical or academic service; and to survey, study, research, analyze, and examine engineering materials and
the 2020 economy will decrease from -5.3% to - 8.1%, causing overall market uncertainty. The Company has adapted to support the situation by considering investing in the educational loan business. Under
Capital Markets rapid development of digital assets in the capital markets sphere. The ACMF has started working together by sharing practices on investor education and educational materials. In the longer
educational materials. In the longer term, the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7715 ASEAN Capital Markets Forum Advances Regional Integration Efforts through Roadmap for Sustainable
Capital Markets rapid development of digital assets in the capital markets sphere. The ACMF has started working together by sharing practices on investor education and educational materials. In the longer