packaging business. 3. Selling and administrative expenses was increased by 37.99 million Baht or 8.85% mainly cause by additional expenses of shop expansion, marketing and development of the new
of the plastic packaging business. 3. Selling and administrative expenses was decreased by 4.22 million Baht or 0.91% mainly cause by additional expenses of shop expansion, marketing and development of
is a press and assembly shop in Vietnam. On September 5, 2019, the company has signed a Sale and Purchase agreement with Vinfast Trading and Production Limited Liability Company who is not a related
is a press and assembly shop in Vietnam. On September 5, 2019, the company has signed a Sale and Purchase agreement with Vinfast Trading and Production Limited Liability Company who is not a related
; as well as having exhibition booths at various exposition events.As for the SPAR convenience store, the brand established more varied sales promotion campaigns e.g. SPAR Aroi-Tua-Thai which brings
investment technologies plus varied functions in alignment with investor behavior in the digital era. KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. remained at the top of the mutual fund business. KASIKORN LEASING CO
ลดิง้* 0.00% 4. บจ. ไอ.ด.ีเอฟ.* 0.00% 5. นายสรโชต ิอ าพนัวงษ์ 6.43% 6. Shop Channel Global Co.,Ltd 42.86% 7. บจ. ซูมโิตโม คอรป์อเรชัน่ ไทยแลนด ์ 14.28% รวม 100.00% * ผูถ้อืหุน้ล าดบัที ่3 และ 4 ถอืหุน้ราย
services to AEON cardholders. In addition, in 2019 The Company opened a new platform branch with our first Flagship Store at Central World Shopping Center. This raised our financial services to a digital
establishing a Chat and Shop sales program receiving good feedback. In the first quarter of 2020, the company was affected by the closing of the department store for 10 days. And in the 2nd quarter of 2020, the
เพิม่ขึน้ เชน่การขายแบบ pop-up store, Mini Shop ทีส่ านักงานใหญ่ ชอ่งทางอี คอมเมริซ์ เป็นตน้ ในชว่งทีผ่่านมา บรษัิทไดม้กีารจัดกจิกรรมดา้นการตลาดเพื่อดงึดดูลกูคา้และรักษายอดขาย รวมทัง้เนน้การขาย สนิคา้ทีเ่ป็น