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(structured note) .1ก21F0-J0,J0CDก09ก,/0->8 (non-investment grade) c1ก408
(structured note) /2ก32G1.=C-. 0 PK1?K1-K1DEก1:ก-01.?9 (non-investment grade) c2ก519=ก3=C-.0 PK1?K1- K1DEกG=1.?9 (investment grade) H521ก 0 /0ก329.0G19.09=ก3= C-.0 PK1?K1-/21DEก (unrated securities) /!$"0ก
) /2ก32H1.=B-. 0 QL1?L1-L1EFก1:ก-01.?9 (non-investment grade) c2ก519=ก3=B-.0 QL1?L1- L1EFกH=1.?9 (investment grade) I521ก 0 /0ก329.0H19.09=ก3= B-.0 QL1?L1-/21EFก (unrated securities) 0!$"1ก # !)!2 1
) -.?> /019.09=ก3=B-.0 RM1?M1-/21HIก (unrated securities) 409กQ. ก32CM.9-S>1 /01.=B-.0 RM1?M1-M1HIก1:ก-01.?9 (non-investment grade) `2ก519=ก3= B-.0 RM1?M1-M1HIกC=1.?9 (investment grade) A521ก 0 /!$"0ก # !(!1 0
=ก3=B-.0 SO1?O1-/21JKก (unrated securities) 409กR. ก32CO.9-T>1 /01.=B-.0 SO1?O1-O1JKก1:ก-01.?9 (non-investment grade) `2ก519=ก3= B-.0 SO1?O1-O1JKกC=1.?9 (investment grade) A521ก 0 /!$"0ก # !(!1 0
-/M (structured note) -.?> /019.09=ก3=B-.0 TP1?P1-/21KLก (unrated securities) 409กS. ก32CP.9-U>1 /01.=B-.0 TP1?P1-P1KLก1:ก-01.?9 (non-investment grade) b2ก519=ก3= B-.0 TP1?P1-P1KLกC=1.?9 (investment
ความน่าเชื่อถือในระดับลงทุน ( investment grade) ในส่วนตราสารหนี้ที่มีความเสี่ยงสูง (high-yield bond) ได้แก่ กลุ่ม non-investment grade และ unrated ส่วนใหญ่ผู้ออกตราสารหนี้จะจัดให้มีหลักประกันเพ่ิมมากขึ้น
to conform with the government’s preventive measures. The Company and subsidiaries are still be able to operate as normal. However, under the uncertainty and highly fluctuate market during this COVID
accordance with the Company’s target to consistently launch new service projects every year. However, due to the uncertainty of the merger situation of mobile operators during this period, as a result, each