Shares Offering) (1) Cleary define that the over-allotment portion must not exceed 15% of total offered shares while the stabilizing manager must be responsible for stabilizing share price of the whole
service for share subscription, for example, would be allowed to use a suitable method for account opening if they could prove that adequate safeguards against impersonation risk have been in place under
existing shares of Taitanan for the amount of 51,000 shares (Par value of Baht 100 and paid-up of Baht 25 per share) be the total of Baht 991,892.37, payment shall be made on the singing of the Sale and
dividend. (2) Approved the interim dividend payment for the performance of 1 July 2019 – 31 December 2019 at 0.04 baht per share, which will be the dividend from the profit exempted from corporate income tax
per share. The financial statement of the separate financial statements shows the net profit of 8.89 million baht. The net profit per share is calculated at 0.016 baht per share. Please be informed
. The net profit per share is calculated at 0.11 baht per share. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr. Sommat Khunset) Managing Director
. ASEAN CIS to be offered must share similar substances with mutual funds allowed to establish in Thailand and be offered for sale through ASEAN CIS selling agent which is a licensed securities broker
, at 740 million baht. The payment will partially be made by means of share swap where AJP will issue new shares at the price of 8 baht per share. The Audit Committee viewed that despite the proposed
shall be offered to existing shareholders proportionate to their shareholding (Right Offering) at an offering ratio of 2.5 existing shares to 1 new ordinary share (a fraction of share shall be disregarded
new ordinary shares shall be offered to existing shareholders proportionate to their shareholding (Right Offering) at an offering ratio of 2.5 existing shares to 1 new ordinary share (a fraction of