ไฟฟ้าส าหรบัเครื่องปรบัอากาศ (WATER INT PAD : Water Intelligent) อย่างต่อเนื่อง พรอ้มกบัพฒันาคุณภาพของสนิคา้และบรกิารต่างๆ ใหเ้ป็นไปตามมาตรฐาน ทีเ่หมาะสมกบัรปูแบบธุรกจิของ กลุ่มลกูคา้อย่างสม ่าเสมอ รวม
ไฟฟ้าสาํหรบัเครืองปรบัอากาศ (WATER INT PAD : คาํอธบิายและการวเิคราะหข์องฝ่ายจดัการสาํหรบัไตรมาสที 3 ประจาํปี PQRP หน้า 2 / 8 Water Intelligent) อย่างต่อเนือง พรอ้มกบัพฒันาคุณภาพของสนิคา้และบรกิารต่างๆ
instruments is 36.65 Million Baht. For the financial liquidity management purpose, the company has successfully negotiated the purchase of asset acquisition, the Company would get more discount for 5 Million
will get paid in cash for the disposal in shares, with the value of 925.11 Million Baht by Big-Lot Board. 6. Value of assets disposed The assets to be disposed are TSE in amount of 181.75 million common
, which the company is obligated to get approval from the Board of Directors and disclose the information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand , the details of transaction as the Attachment 2. 8. Approved to
came from the Company start recognize revenue from large project in second Quarter of 2019 while the same period of current year the Company hasn’t get any large project. Management’s discussion and
area. The Company is expect to get higher income from this business as well. Thus, you have been informed for your acknowledgment. Sincerely Yours, -Singed - (Mr. Suphot Wanna) Chief Executive Officer
expected to be complete within Q3/2017. In Q2/2017 the company has submitted documents to get a permission to build a new non-hazardous waste landfill. The company expects to start the landfill construction
deferred some finance cost expected to get compensation from its client. Income tax expenses for 1H/2017 amounted Baht 43.46 million, down by Baht 73.91 million or 62.97% The Company and its subsidiaries had
For working capital and project construction 6. Total value of Consideration Obtained Get Cash in totally 50,812,500 Baht separate into The par value of 10 Baht/share in 50,000 shares, totally in