to serve the customers’ needs. The Company offers the CRM activities to collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that prepaid
increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior is low. The main factor of change from prepaid to postpaid is
collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that most prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior
collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that most prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior
become more confident about debt repayment from debtors. (2) Advance payment for purchased program rights decrease THB 243.39 million or 37.15% because of the payment for reservation in content rights to
to a merger. We also acquired a new customer with substantial renewable user licenses. Both clients have signed long term contracts. Therefore, our company is confident our recurring incomes will
optimism that fixed asset investment that has been on hold will pick up. Internally our new flux product targeted at the steel market is now gaining the traction that it gets globally and we are confident of
. Climate Bonds Standard: A screening tool for investors and governments that allows them to identify green bonds where they can be confident that the funds are being used to deliver climate change solutions
believes that this Statement of Intent will aid the public and all capital market stakeholders to understand the SEC’s role and operations, and promote confident participants of the capital market. 2. Vision
มากขึ้น โดยการรับซื้อไฟฟาจากพลังงานทดแทนประเภทตาง ๆ เชน พลังงานแสงอาทิตย กาซชีวภาพ ขยะ พลังน้ํา พลังงานลม จากผูผลิตไฟฟาขนาดเล็กมาก (Very Small Power Produce : VSPP) ขนาดไมเกิน 10 เมกะวัตต เพื่อ