regard, {C} admitted giving advice and taking the client?s trade orders via mobile phone.The SEC found {D} case during its routine inspection that showed her failure to record some of her advice and
General Meeting of Shareholders of LH Financial Group Public Company Limited and rated the company in "Excellent" level with the full assessment score of 100 for five consecutive years under quality
Meeting of Shareholders of LH Financial Group Public Company Limited and rated the company in "Excellent" level with the full assessment score of 100 for five consecutive years under quality assessment for
– economy, society and environment – under good corporate governance and appropriate risk management. Guided by the Customer Centricity strategy and resolution of delivering an excellent customer experience
2Q17 Mark The mobile co driven by pos addition, in e more continu Meanwhile, th For the fixed attraction to c landscape rem the fixed broa attract groups Operation In 2Q17, AIS maintaining
หรอืฐานขอ้มลูภายใน เชน่ ระบบ E-mail / Web Application เป็นตน้ • Mobile push mail โปรดระบจุ านวนบคุลากรทีใ่ชอ้ปุกรณด์ังกลา่ว.................... • Laptop/PC โปรดระบจุ านวนบคุลากรทีใ่ชอ้ปุกรณด์ังกลา่ว
delivering an excellent customer experience in order to empower every customer’s life and business, we prioritize the offering of attentive and inclusive services as a trustworthy service provider. We can
improvements in order to deliver an excellent customer experience, along with the development of technological solutions, all with the aim of becoming “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice”. In the first quarter
ขาดทุนจากโครงการจัด จ าหน่ายโทรศพัท์มือถือพิเศษ ในสว่นของรายได้จากการจดังาน Thailand Mobile Expo ส าหรับปี 2561 สงูสดุตัง้แต่ก่อตัง้ กิจการ โดยมีรายได้รวมทัง้ปี 119 ล้านบาท เป็นผลให้รายได้จากธุรกิจการจดัแส
areas nationwide. In the end of 2Q17, the usage amount from mobile top-up and money transfer are still growing. In addition, other online top-up and payments are growing up such as E-wallet top-up and