traded on the SET during the 7 consecutive business day prior to the date on which Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Company resolved to propose to the shareholders’ meeting to consider and approve the
จุบันสําหรับปที่ยื่นแบบ 56 ดังกลาว - 7 - 5. การปรับปรุงแกไขเกณฑการยื่น filing ใหสอดคลองกบั ASEAN Debt Securities Disclosure Standards 5.1 สรุปรายการทีส่ําคัญในการเปดเผยขอมูลตาม ASEAN Debt
ทุน งบประมาณของหนวยงาน และรายรับรายจายของหนวยงาน 4. นโยบายและภาพรวมการดําเนินกิจการ 5. ลักษณะการดําเนินกิจการ 6. ทรัพยสินท่ีใชในการดาํเนินกิจการ 7. ปจจัยความเส่ียง 8. ขอพิพาททางกฎหมาย 9. ข
Public Company Limited No. 4 (U-W4) 7. Information Memorandum on the Asset Disposal of U City Public Company Limited The Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 10/2017 of U City Public Company Limited (the
fund performance, as well as other information relating to the condition of such fund at each particular period, i.e., details of investment, financial position, expenses, and opinion of the fund
disclose the fund performance, as well as other information relating to the condition of such fund at each particular period, i.e., details of investment, financial position, expenses, and opinion of the
disclose the fund performance, as well as other information relating to the condition of such fund at each particular period, i.e., details of investment, financial position, expenses, and opinion of the
-date at all times. Clause 6. To assure the conformity with the capital market policy at each particular time, or to enable investors to clearly understand the selection of appropriate tools for
items in the registration so that the information thereof shall be up-to-date at all times. Clause 6. To assure the conformity with the capital market policy at each particular time, or to enable
shall be up-to-date at all times. Clause 6. To assure the conformity with the capital market policy at each particular time, or to enable investors to clearly understand the selection of appropriate tools