ตราสารหน้ีท่ีไดรั้บมอบอ านาจจากกรรมการผูมี้อ านาจลงนามผูกพนั (authorized person) ลงลายมือช่ือรับรองความถูกตอ้งครบถว้นของแบบแสดงรายการขอ้มูล พร้อมทั้งประทบัตรา บริษทั (ถา้มี) โดยใหใ้ชข้อ้ความและรูปแบบ
legal action which shall not exceed one hundred and eighty days; (5) order a trustee or any person who is authorized to collect or process the data of a trustee including its director, officer, employee
authorized to collect or process the data of a trustee including its director, officer, employee and auditor to testify, deliver, or present accounts, documents, seals or other evidence related to the trust
legal action which shall not exceed one hundred and eighty days; (5) order a trustee or any person who is authorized to collect or process the data of a trustee including its director, officer, employee
ริษทั ทรัสต ์หรือรูปอ่ืนใด) (1) มีคุณสมบติัตามขอ้ 1 (หลกัทรัพยท่ี์เปล่ียนมือได)้ (2) เป็นหน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนรวมต่างประเทศ ท่ีอยูภ่ายใตก้ารก ากบัดูแล (authorized/ recognized fund) และเสนอขายในประเทศท่ีมี
prepared the production of B100 to follow the new standard of Monoglyceride content not exceeding 0.4%. Together with ability to efficiently manage raw material cost, gross profit was improved from the
Corporate Social Responsibility and (4) Most Improved Investor Relations from Alpha Southeast Asia, Hong Kong. The awards result based on investors poll that reflect the management capability of the company
performance in the third quarter of 2019 recorded an increase in net profit over-quarter and over-year. Compared to the same period of last year, the improved performance was attributed to increased non
last year. Power consumption of household sector increased by 10.1%, in line with the economic and living indices of Thai househol ds, which has improved slightly. On the other hand, the power
Mutual Funds 1971- 1991,” Journal of Finance, 50(2): 549-572. Mamasky, H., Spiegel, M. and Shang, H. (2007) “Improved Forecasting of Mutual Fund Alphas and Betas,” Review of Finance, 11(3): 359-400