the modern trade channels, owning to the dynamics and competitive setting of energy drink market itself as well as relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether
high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves
an agreement with the Galaxy Entertainment Group one of the world’s leading developers and operators of integrated entertainment and resort facilities, and member of the Hang Seng index. This agreement
setting of energy drink market as well as the relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators that these altogether could cause us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go
Entertainment Group one of the world’s leading developers and operators of integrated entertainment and resort facilities, and member of the Hang Seng index. This agreement includes the opening of a minimum 3
forward with modern construction materials retailers or modern trade operators still expanding their business with new branches and property development group beginning to open new projects. In addition
mainly targeted for upgrading existing customers with comparable subsidy values among operators. Price competition in fixed broadband continued and resulted in a launch of 100Mbps package at Bt600. In
เนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที ่ 0107556000311 The fluctuation of CPO price mentioned above had reflected the Company and other operators in palm oil and biodiesel
to better monetize 4G network. Operators had gradually discontinued fixed-speed unlimited data plans for new subscriptions as well as gradually uplifting price for existing subscribers. However, with
according to the raw material price in the global market, together with the higher competition between the operators. 4 (Unit: Baht million) Consolidated balance sheets As at 30th Jun 2019 As at 31st Mar 2019