Bangchak Corporation Plc. Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation For the quarter ended September 30th, 2019 Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for Q3/2019 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 2 03 Table of Contents 06 08 21 24 26 28 Executive Statement Summary of Income Business Performance 8 - Refinery & Trading 13 - Marketing 15 - Power Plant 17 - Bio-based Products 19 - Natural Resources Financial Position Statement of Cash Flows Statement Financial Ratios Environ...
THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE LISTED COMPANIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Robert Black, Dr Rory Sullivan, Ella Harvey and Chup Priovashini (Chronos Sustainability) May 2022 THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE Contents Foreword from SEC Thailand ..................................................................................................................... 3 Foreword from World Bank ...................................................................................
shuttle transportation service for key employees as a precautionary measure in case travel between buildings or between provinces is restricted by the government. 10 3. Business Directions and Operations of
A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals* Sarayut Rueangsuwan † Kasetsart University, Thailand August 2015 Abstract Prior literature on meeting or beating earnings benchmarks extensively documents that market rewards firms reporting a string of consecutively earnings increases. To date, it is still unclear what an earnings string really means. This paper empirically provides rational explanations for this phenomenon by investigating whether the increment...
เนินงานสุทธิของบริษัทยอยที่ไมใชสวนของบริษทัใหญทั้งโดยทางตรงและทางออม หากมีผลขาดทุนใหแสดงจาํนวนเงินไวในเครื่องหมายวงเล็บ - 10 - 7. กําไร (ขาดทุน) จากกิจกรรมตามปกต ิ(Profit (Loss) from ordinary
ถึง จ านวนหุ้นและมูลค่าหุ้นที่ตราไว้ของหุ้นที่ได้น าออกจ าหน่ายและเรียกให้ช าระมูลค่าหุ้นแล้ว ให้แยกแสดงเป็นหุ้นแต่ละชนิด ดังนี้ 27.1 หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (Preference shares) 27.2 หุ้นสามัญ (Ordinary shares
ดังนี้ 27.1 หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (Preference shares) 27.2 หุ้นสามัญ (Ordinary shares) 28. ส่วนเกิน (ต่ ากว่า) มูลค่าหุ้นและหุ้นทุนซื้อคืน (Share premium account (discount) on issue of share and Premium on
; (17) “related person” means any person or partnership with any of the following relationships: (a) a spouse of such person; (b) a minor child of such person; (c) an ordinary partnership of which such
27.1 หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (Preference shares) 27.2 หุ้นสามัญ (Ordinary shares) 28. ส่วนเกิน (ต่ ำกว่ำ) มูลค่ำหุ้นและหุ้นทุนซื้อคืน (Share premium account (discount) on issue of share and Premium on treasury
-ร่าง- (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 5 As of 28 November 2018 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 39/2559 Re: Application for Approval and Granting of Approval for Offering of Newly Issued Shares _____________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 and Section 89/27 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as ame...