, has been the operator to find investors. Indeed, during this operation, the current management has also made plans to improve the factory and sell electricity as well. 4. Investment in the business of
electricity as well. บมจ.0107537002109 Page 10 of 14 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited เลขท่ี 191/43 อำคำรซีทีไอ ทำวเวอร ์ชัน้ 21 ถนนรชัดำภิเษก แขวงคลองเตย
debtor’s assets to make legal enforcement but the debtor does not have enough assets to cover the debt. Later, the company filed a lawsuit against the debtor in a bankruptcy case towards the Central
the disposal of investment in NINE, as well as perform any actions in relation to the offer of ordinary shares 3 in NINE to public investors who are not connected persons of the Company via the SET for
as well as conducting e-commerce business and online and offline advertising media, in the total number of shares not exceeding 120,808,387 shares equivalent to 33.05 percent of the total outstanding
enforcement but the debtor does not have enough assets to cover the debt. Later, the company filed a lawsuit against the debtor in a bankruptcy case towards the Central Bankruptcy Court on 11th December 2015
have enough assets to cover the debt. Later, the company filed a lawsuit against the debtor in a bankruptcy case towards the Central Bankruptcy Court on 11th December 2015. Then, on 7th March 2016, the
to make legal enforcement but the debtor does not have enough assets to cover the debt. Later, the company filed a lawsuit against the debtor in a bankruptcy case towards the Central Bankruptcy Court
Standards will look different depending on the type, size, and operating context of the Enterprise in question, but the Standards are flexible enough to accommodate this and, as in any audit or assurance
overall status of the Company as well. 7. Utilizing plan for proceeds obtained from the disposal of assets The Company plans to utilize proceeds obtained from the Disposal of Komchadluek Business and