(Fund Standard Deviation) 8.33% 7.45% 8.33% ความผันผวนของดัชนีชี้วัด (Benchmark Standard Deviation) 6.80% 6.45% 6.80% หมายเหตุ - ดัชนีช ี ้ว ัด คือ ดัชนี Barclays Global-Aggregate Total Return Index Value
"!*ก# U7 T UU$K !,QK!ก7Q!Uก"!*ก#/ !,QK!8,"7ก 8 !8*!ก HP?H-7KH
โยบำยกำรลงทุน) ดงัน้ี: 1. อตัรำผลตอบแทนยอ้นหลงั (รำยปีปฎิทิน) อยำ่งนอ้ย 10 ปี (หรือตั้งแต่จดัตั้งกองทุนกรณีจดัตั้งกองทุน นอ้ยกวำ่ 10 ปี) รวมถึง benchmark และมูลค่ำควำมเส่ียง (standard deviation และค่ำ
overall economic benefits of the country at large thanks to a close collaboration between SEC and the government sector over the years. “I would like to stress the important policies for the capital market
revenue from the post production business increased thanks to the Company’s focus on serving clients who are in the commercials production business. 3) Revenue from equipment rental and service business
Baht 514.67 million and Baht 1,278.52 million, respectively. The increase in shareholders’ equity was thanks to the booking of operating profit and the capital increase program to fund the construction
and Baht 1,300.66 million, respectively. The increase in shareholders’ equity was thanks to the booking of operating profit and the capital increase program to fund the construction of the new hospital
rates and a higher cost of goods sold. Thanks to the Company’s latest investments undertaken in 2017, that enabled the factory to increase its utilization rate, which helped lessen the effect of the
which the Company currently has 73 caravans. Moreover, the Company greatly organized more variety of events such as Chombueng Marathon#34, product launch project, Thanks dealers party, Workshops, etc. 2
, respectively. The increase in shareholders’ equity was thanks to the booking of operating profit. Yours sincerely (Mr. Teerawat Srinakarin) Chief Executive Officer