of tourist arrivals exhibited a slow growth, increasing 2.8% from the same period last year resulting from 1) low base effect of last year from the Phuket boat incident 2) exemption of visa on arrival
tourist arrivals exhibited a slow growth, increasing 3.5% from the same period last year resulting from 1) low base effect of last year from the Phuket boat incident 2) exemption of visa on arrival fee and
continuingly increase of number of tourist arrivals increasing in 3Q19 shows a good sign even if the Baht currency continues appreciating. Unit: Baht million 3Q19 3Q18 Change 9M19 9M18 Change Hotel business 794
planned. In addition, the continuingly increase of number of tourist arrivals increasing in 3Q19 shows a good sign even if the Baht currency continues appreciating. Unit: Baht million 3Q19 3Q18 Change 9M19
economic recovery in the next stage would be subject to the situation of the new wave of COVID-19 pandemic, the efficacy and coverage of COVID-19 vaccination, the recovery of foreign tourist arrivals as well
exports of gold and arms, exports expanded by 5.1% yoy in line with an improving in trading partner demand. In the tourism sector, the number of tourist arrivals contracted by 99.8% to register at 13,435
from BAC Gourmet House Company Limited, the subsidiary of BAC which main activity is to provide food services in business district and major tourist attractions in Bangkok, Gourmet Primo Company Limited
. Market and Competitive Environment The Thai economy in FY22 started off with a positive tone of post-pandemic recovery with the tourist and hospitality- related sectors mostly benefiting from the border re
วิทยำ ยกระดับสวัสดิกำร/ คุณภำพชีวิตของพนักงำน ควบคู่ไปกับกำรเก็บรวบรวมสถิติด้ำนอัตรำควำมสนใจในกำรท ำเข้ำท ำงำน (Attraction Survey) กำรวิจัย เกี ่ยวกับปัจจัยที ่จะรักษำและดึงดูดบุคลำกรให้คงอยู
Certified Accountants (ACCA) conducted a survey on talent attraction and retention in Thai audit practices. Possible causes, identified from the survey responses from audit staff, were analyzed and shared