Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 57.53 777.43 37.52 78.22 Doubtful Account 86.50 1,168.92 - - Loss on impairment of goodwill 51.20 691.89 - - Management benefit
100.00 53.24 100.00 Costs - - 20.59 38.67 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 38.23 335.05 88.84 166.87 Impairment of investment in associate 29.81 261.26
generation from renewable energy to achieve target of 48,000 megawatts by 2030, which promotes investment from solar power, hydropower and wind power. Currently, Vietnam is drafting on its power master plan
2,778 +10% Authorized share capital 140 140 - Issued and fully paid-up share capital 140 140 - Share premium 6 6 -0.0% Retained earnings 1,276 1,270 +0.5% Other components of equity 196 196 -0% Deduct
Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
projects such as wind or solar energy generation are common, and achieve avoided emissions compared to energy generation using fossil fuels. Banking (Bank): Financial institutions that mostly undertake
% (1,690) (11.5%) Selling expenses 10,847 20.0% 11,266 21.0% (419) (3.7%) Administrative expenses 4,080 7.5% 4,025 7.5% 55 1.4% Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 65 0.1% 115 0.2% (49) (43.0
promoting a conducive environment for transparent, efficient and fair markets. To achieve its objectives, the SEC oversees the quality of business operators, including their products and services, promotes a
possessed 22.6% volume share, ranked the 2nd largest among energy drink brands in Thailand according to the Nielsen’s final sales data to consumers. For the domestics, nonetheless, the Company still places
value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued ordinary shares to the existing shareholders pro rata to their shareholdings (Rights Offering), at the par value