considering classification of mutual funds into two groups: (1) complex fund and (2) non-complex fund. Initially, guidelines for information disclosure of complex fund have been set out, requiring that the fund
local business groups interested in using the capital market as a source for fundraising for business expansion. _________________________
procedure have been revised whereby the SET members shall elect not more than four persons and the SEC shall appoint not more than six persons from the list proposed by juristic persons or groups of persons
investors.In addition, the SEC asked asset management company to develop mutual funds to serve demand for savings and tailored for particular groups of investors, for instance (i) mutual funds for savings
capacity building; (iv) amplifying communication and awareness; and (v) strengthening co-operation and co-ordination. The meeting also acknowledged the progress of ACMF working groups on implementation of
According to the findings after a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and SEC’s further investigation, the offenders were divided into two groups, with details as follows
investment through a number of branches nationwide. Moreover, the commercial banks can also take another important role to support securities companies and asset management companies in their groups to seek
target groups nationwide, accounting for over 3 million persons. The first phase of the Initiative will run until 31 March 2024 and the list of business participants in the following quarter will be
diverse groups will ultimately support Thailand’s path towards sustainable social and economic growth,” said Alia El-YASSIR, Regional Director for UN Women Asia and the Pacific. “We hope that companies
amongst younger cohorts and has expanded to older age groups. • To meet client needs, we must measure carbon metrics of our portfolio. Source: Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance Institutions are joining