ended June 30, 2019 was at 10.32% lower than 11.71% in 2018. 2. Gain on investments in marketable securities for the second quarter ended June 30, 2019 had a profit of 6.52 million baht, compared to the
) (18.25) 10.47% Administrative expenses (29.39) (32.29) 9.87% Operating profit 49.86 70.87 42.14% Investment income - 0.40 - Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) (0.80) (0.35) -56.25% Other income 0.81 0.53
Profit 1H18’s net profit was THB 231 million, up 632.0% yoy. For core business, excluding the gain from the sale of investment and employee benefit expenses, the net profit was THB 93 million, up 190.6
, net profit amounted to THB 39.1 million, a decrease of THB 126.2 million or 76.4% from the same period last year. The main factor causing the operating results of the second quarter of 2020 to change
gross profit increased by 121.43 and 121.70% y-o-y respectively. Other Revenue for Q2 2017 which are mostly gain from investment slightly increased. The slightly improved stock market led to higher
by holding 51% of total shares of the project and later this project was sold on August 19, 2016 at selling price Baht 82.19 million. Such transaction made the main sharing of gain from investment
% Operating profit 18.72 49.86 45.26 141.77% -9.23% 34.49 95.12 175.79% Investment income 0.10 - 0.18 80.00% 0.00% 0.11 0.18 63.64% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) (0.30) (0.80) 1.30 -533.33% -262.50% 0.14
percent while subsidiary’s loss for the period at Baht 31 million. For Nine Months 2019 period, profit for the period of the Company excluded the change of provision of post employees benefit-net corporate
) 729.9% Gross profit 426.3 446.0 463.1 3.8% 8.6% 1,200.9 1,337.0 11.3% Net gain (loss) on exchange rate (7.3) (58.6) 37.6 N.A.(>100) N.A.(>100) (83.2) 91.2 N.A.(>100) Gain from business acquisition - - 2.2
cost related to the issuance of the Warrants to Purchase the Ordinary Shares (HPT-W1) and the employee benefit cost (The Labor Protection Act No.7 B.E. 2562). Net profit and Net profit margin For the