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billion baht placed Thailand highest in the ASEAN region for a third year. Despite a challenging volatile environment, collaboration by all relevant participants helped the Thai capital market achieve a
December 3, 2018 ago. The company would like to inform the progress of the remaining investment payment. To obtain the project to produce and sell tap water as follows: At present, on December 25, 2018, the
provision based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation by taking into account factors such as the amount of debt relieved by the rehabilitation plan, interest claims
of 1,500,000 baht.At present, BLISS had already rectified the aforesaid financial statements by recording such revenues as other incomes.
well-received, many intermediaries have expressed their interest and many of them, which are 106 companies or 81 percent of the total intermediaries, already applied for this project. At the present
comprehensive knowledge and information on the Thai capital market from the early stage of development to the present day. Through the interactive multimedia, the SEC Capital Market Knowledge Center will support
Bangkok, 19 September 2016 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on the proposed revision to the disclosure of information in the prospectus and fact sheet of retail mutual funds to present a clearer