รสุ่มตัวอย่ำงแบบหลำยขั้นตอน (Multi-stage Sampling) โดยก ำหนดระดับค่ำควำมเชื่อมั่นร้อยละ 95 ข้อมูลเชิงปริมำณ ข้อมูลเชิงคุณภำพ วิธีกำรเก็บข้อมูล แบบสอบถำม สัมภำษณ์เชิงลึก จ ำนวนกลุ่มตัวอย่ำง • ผู้ประกอบ
Phuvanatnaranubala said ?The SECC case had significant impacts on the company?s clients and investors. The SEC has, therefore, devoted resources to speed up investigations into the case. At this stage, five
relocating its production lines of sauces and condiments to its new factory, so during such period, the new factory was in the early stage of production; therefore, the production was unable to run efficiently
million or 1% from Q3/2017, as a result of the Commercial Operation Date (COD) of IRPC-CP Phase 2 and Ichinoseki Solar Power 1 GK (ISP1) in Q4/2017 even though the selling and administrative expenses
หน่วยงาน สนับสนุนเงินทุน ข้อค้นพบในฝั่ ง ผู้ประกอบการธุรกิจ BCG และ New S-curve 19 1. มีหน่วยงานหรือองค์กรทีส่นบัสนนุเงินทนุให้กบัธุรกิจ Startup ในช่วง Seed Stage จ านวนน้อย เมื่อเทียบกับระยะธุรกิจอื่น
period. While the interest arising from the loans for investment in the second phase of Hydrant pipeline system expansion project at BKK of TARCO and NFPT Project will be capitalize in the projects' cost
gradually reduced in accordance with the payment schedule. While the interest arising from the loans for investment in the second phase of Hydrant pipeline system expansion project at BKK of TARCO and NFPT
Group have been gradually reduced in accordance with the payment schedule. While the interest arising from the loans for investment in the second phase of Hydrant pipeline system expansion project at BKK
interest arising from the loans for investment in the second phase of Hydrant pipeline system expansion project at BKK Aviation Refueling Services 82% Fuel Pipeline Transportation Services 18% Services
buildings, constructions, aircraft refueling vehicle fleet and) the increase in the depreciation from the FPT’s multi-products fuel pipeline expansion project to the northern part of Thailand phase 1 (NFPT