earnings (EBITDA). Shareholders, including the majority shareholders, expressed their faith in the performance and future prospects of the Company and subscribed, in large numbers, to the warrants (IVL-W1
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
prevention making it possible to complete the project even more. In addition, the several large-scale projects were due for delivery in this quarter such as the Purchasing and Installation of Cloud Project of
. Karnchang Public Company Limited is a large-sized construction company, having experience and expertise, being familiar with the equipment and civil infrastructure of both the MRT Blue Line Project (Chaloem
integrated PET, PX, MEG, IPA & Lifestyle Fibers. The lower integrated PET spreads reflects a large capacity increase in China in 4Q19 and pipeline inventories in 2H19, while the lower Lifestyle Fibers spreads
transaction is beneficial to the Company since CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited is a large-sized construction company, having experience and expertise, being familiar with the equipment and civil
CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited is a large-sized construction company, having experience and expertise, being familiar with the equipment and civil infrastructure of both the MRT Blue Line Project
Repair; Extended Producer Responsibility. • Effort to decarbonize supply chain Large multi-national companies that have global supply chain could require their suppliers to accelerate their decarbonization
General Meet 2020 The Board of Directors of the Company has resolved to hold the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 19, 2020 at the Company’s Head Office, 17th Floor. The Company concerned