, cardboard and specialty fibers (e.g., viscose). It also includes timber products used for biomass. - Tobacco: This includes all products derived from tobacco plants, including smoking tobacco, smokeless
projects) as well as the ASEAN SBS (i.e. projects which involve activities that pose a negative social impact related to alcohol, gambling, tobacco and weaponry).
Handbook - Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting Guidance Handbook Green Project Mapping Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting Social Bonds High-Level Mapping to the SDGs 5 Globally recognised
at CalSTRS, and it identifies at a high level that we will “engage corporate management to seek information and understanding of the corporate decision and its ramifications on ESG issues.” Our
, High interest rate lending, Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Military, Nuclear power, Pornography, Reproductive medicine, Tar sands and oil shale, and Tobacco. 6 VE scale of assessment: Isolated / Occasional
Re: Determination of the Definitions of Institutional Investor, Ultra-high Net Worth Investor and High Net Worth Investor
activities that pose a negative social impact related to alcohol, gambling, tobacco and weaponry are excluded from the ASEAN SBS. Issuers are also encouraged to develop a list of additional ineligible projects
บรรจุภัณฑ์ กระดาษลัง และเส้นใยชนิดพิเศษ (เช่น เส้นใยเรยอนหรือวิสโคส) โดยผลิตภัณฑ์จากไม้ที่ใช้สำหรับชีวมวลก็รวมอยู่ในหมวดหมู่นี้ด้วย o Tobacco (ยาสูบ): ผลิตภัณฑ์นี้ประกอบด้วยผลิตภัณฑ์ทั้งหมดที่ได้จากพืช
Construction Real estate Capital goods Food, beverage and tobacco Agricultural commodities Paper & Forestry Financial services • Asset managers • Asset owners • Banks • Insurance companies CDP SECTOR-SPECIFIC
.Thai Juristic Persons Thai Juristic Persons 543,892.51 1.Short-term Debt Securities Short-term Debt Securities 327,830.07 1.Thai Investors Thai Investors 327,780.07 Institutions 257,599.59 High Net Worth